Here you can find all of our bi-monthly newsletters.
October 2016
We have started another school year at JRG with 105 students. Our break was busy and eventful as God has been blessing us in many ways.
One of the greatest blessings (and needs!) we have at JRG is for mission teams to spend a week with us at the school. When mission groups come, they help us in a variety of ways. Often, they spend their time on construction or maintenance projects. Sometimes mission groups come with ministry outreach plans which bless our community by sharing the Gospel. Of course, the greatest outreach opportunity for mission groups is to love on and minister to our students. Mission groups always encourage us as we are blessed by the fellowship and friendship of team members.
This past school year we had six groups join us for week-long mission trips. This is a wonderful positive change; in previous years we had experienced a great decline in the number of mission groups who visited our school. Praise the Lord that He has put it on the hearts of so many people to come help us at JRG.
Team preparing ground to pour cement
Day of the Child
Dia del Niño (Day of the Child) is always one of the favorite traditions springtime brings in Juarez and all of Mexico. It is a day that celebrates children and allows them to play! We bring carnival games, bouncy houses,
Students enjoying Dia del Nino
special food, and presents to the school for the students. It is always the highlight of spring for the students.
Elijah’s Next Step
Maria and Gilbert’s son, Elijah, graduated high school this spring and is embarking on an exciting adventure for the next year.
Elijah is attending an intensive year-long discipleship program with the organization Gospel for Asia. For the majority of the year, he will reside outside of Dallas at the Gospel for Asia headquarters, where he will help with many daily ministry tasks. He will also have the opportunity to travel to India with Gospel for Asia.
We would like to have supporters and friends of JRG praying for Elijah during his year of discipleship training. If you’d like to be on a prayer team, receive updates from Elijah, and/or contribute to the funds Elijah needs to raise to attend this program, please email Maria.
Alumni News
Several of the students who comprise our church youth group are alumni of Colegio James R. Ganley. We recently interviewed one of these students, Liliana Gonzalez Ruiz, to share what God is doing in her life now that she is a college student. It is important to note that in the area of Juárez where JRG is located, it is extremely rare for young people to finish high school and enter college. Praise God for the work He is doing through Colegio Ganley to change lives!
Question: What college do you attend and what do you study?
Liliana: I study at the Technology Institute of Juárez. I’m studying Engineering and Business Management.
Question: Why did you decide to go to college?
Liliana: I decided to go to college because I have the idea that upon graduation I’ll be prepared to help others. Through my job I hope to share the love of God.
Question: When you were younger, you attended Colegio James R. Ganley. How did God use your time at JRG to prepare you for college?
Liliana: My time at JRG helped me very much to begin and grow my spiritual life, and with a relationship with God. God has a plan for my life, and if I continue with my studies I will reach a profession where I can reflect that God is in my life and can help others. Also, I’ll be able to help others know the blessings and opportunities that the Lord gives us each day.
Please keep Colegio Ganley in your prayers and note the specific ways you can be praying:
· WE ARE IN GREAT NEED OF A 15-PASSENGER VAN. If you can contribute to this need, please contact Maria. We are doing a GoFundMe; check out FACEBOOK FOR THE LINK.
· For the junior high: to have all necessary preparations made to hold junior high classes as soon as possible.
· For the Garcia family as they go through many changes, including Elijah graduating high school this year and going away to school.
Stay Connected to JRG
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· Follow us on Twitter: @colegioganley
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· If you are a current sponsor and you would like to arrange a Skype conversation with the child you sponsor, please contact Maria
· If you are interested in sponsoring a student or teacher at Colegio Ganley, please contact Ellen Forstrom sponsorship coordinator at ( It is through the faithful support of sponsors that students are able to continue their education at Colegio Ganley.